Thursday, August 29, 2013

Welcome to the Closet of Mysteries Blog! (an introduction)

hello, I am Scott
A curious creature by nature, I have always been fascinated with getting to the bottom of things. Discovering the truth about our origins in the universe, including things considered obscure, mystical, or taboo in our modern world. These, I believe are all pieces of a larger picture.My love for these mysteries has led me to delve into the research of ethnobotanicals, ancient civilizations and symbology amongst other wonders. 

I closed my (screen printing) shop to be able work from home in order to take care of my two children and a small urban farm in the middle of Phoenix. 

My goal is to live an environmentally sustainable life and spread a positive message to others.
These designs are a product of my inspiration from research and the ability to make shirts that are unique, educational and meaningful...perhaps, even pique others interest to delve into their own quest for discovery!

The Closet of Mysteries Store